Sunday, May 24, 2009

Public transport

for the year 2009, the only time i remember myself taking the train was yesterday, Sunday 24th May. i think i did take some public bus or something in within the past 5months. if that didn't happen, then i can officially say that 24th May was the first time i took public transport, in this year of course.

back to taking public transport, i discovered, or rediscovered, the inconvenience of it. you don't have your own personal space, you don't get to sing out loud, you've got to squeeze with people in those narrow MRT seats and the worst part of all, waiting for the bus/ train to arrive. in such a weather, it's just natural for me to perspire and produce a whole gallon of sweat that the astronauts can turn into drinking water and survive with it for a month or so.

when driving, all the walking has been reduced to just from home to carpark, carpark to destination, and the cycle repeats. all the waiting would be in the comfort of your car, with air-conditioning, music and your own personal space.

however, i kind of like taking public transport. i get to see all sorts of people on the trains. weird, unfriendly, selfish, inconsiderate and "sleepers". just yesterday, my aunt was complaining about how those who are pregnant or old or whatever should stand infront of the priority seats if they can't find a place to sit, and not stand in the center of the car/ cabin/ carriage. she said that she will NOT give up a sit to a pregnant lady, which she really did not. instead, she expects those who occupy the priority seats, and do not need them, should give their seats up. think about it, if everyone's like my aunt, will the needy people, talking about those who need the seats, get one?

see, the problem with us Singaporeans is that we're not considerate enough. the only reason why priority seats are there is because of people like that. but it also created another, even worst, category of Singaporeans, the people who occupy priority seats, and pretend the people in need of the seats are non-existent. i despise these people, and i definitely oppose to this behaviour.

i'm not your perfect Singaporean. i don't always give up my seats to people in need. but i always try to do so. if i don't, i'm probably too tired or something. but i will never take up a priority seat, unless i can confirm that the train will be empty through my ride.

Singaporeans are labelled as "KIASU" and "KIASEE" people, meaning afraid to lose and afraid to die respectively. but i believe that if this behaviour carries on, then we should add one more to our "great" reputation, INCONSIDERATE.

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