Sunday, September 20, 2009

First clubbing experience

last night, 19/09/2009, I HAD MY VIRGIN CLUBBING EXPERIENCE. went to St James with my DB mates. some people couldn't enter because they didn't bring their IC. what a waste. but it's ok, we'll have another outing soon.

anyways, i got a little drunk after, what was it, 6,7,8 drinks? i don't remember. went dancing around, spout a few nonsense, don't know if i did anything stupid though.went in and out like a few times, but continued to have fun when we were in there.

overall, it was not a bad experience. and like my Facebook status mentioned, the worst part is having this ringing sound in my ears and having everything i hear, muffled. nonetheless, looking forward to the next time clubbing, but i swear never to make it a habit, and never to get drunk in the club.

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